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Lot 58 Pilliga Road, PILLIGA NSW 2388



Mixed Farming Sold - PILLIGA NSW

KR PROPERTY has listed for sale an affordable, flood-free, entry-level grazing property ideally suited to cattle or sheep breeding or a private rural retreat. Located just 2.8km from the town of Pilliga, on the Coonamble Road this freehold property offers the following:

• Sealed road access and all-weather access once on the property. With government land to the left and the Cumbychance Reserve to the west.
• Approximately 100 acres were cleared and have some regrowth but could easily be farmed again with the balance being timbered grazing.
• Country type comprises a mixture of building timber, iron park, cypress pine, wilga, myall, belah, and coolabah reddish-brown clay soils.
• 2 x paddocks with basic cattle yard with ramp.
• Cattle, stock-proof (3 barbs) fencing. The northern boundary has been recently replaced.
• The presence of a good dam and an ephemeral creek adds to the property’s water resources.
• A building entitlement may be of interest to those looking to build a home or other structures on the property.
• The current lease agreement, ($660.00 per month – lease ends 20/8/23) includes the running of cattle. Currently running 20/30 head of cattle which continued through the drought.
• Rates are $432.00 per annum and Local Land Services are $323.00 per annum.

The property’s mix of cleared and timbered grazing land, along with the various types of country, offers diversity and potential for agricultural activities. The basic cattle yard and stock-proof fencing provide some infrastructure for those looking to run livestock.
Overall, this property offers a range of opportunities and features that may be of interest to a variety of buyers.

Property Features
  • Mixed Farming
  • Land is 347.56 hectare
Rural Features
Council Rates

426 per annum

Agent Info
Avatar photo
Kim Rozendaal

0407 835 207

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